The 1971 Extension

The final addition to the school was officially opened in 1972.  Andy Ellis, the principal at the time, said this of it,

"May 12, 1971 foreman moved in to start new addition.  On plans are a library, gymnasium with showers & stage, new offices, a science room, classroom, double special education classroom, and a small lunch room.  Present enrolment 683.  The enrolment went up when we started taking Kindergarten pupils in January 3 and April 1st as well as in September.  There will be 29 teachers on staff in September 1971. ...

... The pupils and teachers moved into the new addition December 16th, 1971.  The official opening of the new part took place January 25th, 1972."

Below is the program from the Official Opening along with plans of the building.


Below are a series of photographs take in 1971 showing the construction of the new addition.