A. T. & T. Learning Network

In 2016, we live in a world of high-speed broadband and we communicate across the world with real-time video connections.  In 1991 though this wasn't the case.  A. B. Ellis, like most people at the time, could only access the Internet via a modem that provided anything but "broadband" transmissions.  When you read about the A T & T Learning Network project, described on this page, you need to keep that in mind.  Many years earlier the school had entered into a collaborative project with a school in New Zealand.  This had involved letters back and forth and the sharing of information between schools at opposite ends of the Earth.  As interesting as this was, the time between installments was often too long for the attention of young people.  The A. T. & T. project, as primitive as it must seem today. offered almost instant communication linking schools in very different countries.  Below are some articles from the school newspaper that give an impression of the project we were involved in.

A B Ellis Times - February 4, 1991

A B Ellis Times - February 11, 1991

A B Ellis Times - February 18, 1991

A B Ellis Times - March 18, 1991