Peer Facilitator Program

The Peer Facilitator program was based on the premiss that there were children in the school who could use a helping hand and a friendly face to help them get through the day.  At the same time there were children in the school who were more than happy to take on that caring role.  All that was needed was for the adults to give the helpers some skills and a degree of support and then match them with appropriate buddies.  The process began with an in-depth training session for the adults who had volunteered to be leaders.  They in turn hosted training sessions for the student facilitators.  In many respects the only limitation on this highly effective program was ensuring that the numbers involved didn't exceed the ability of the facilitators to find time away from their studies and the adults to find the time to support and continue to provide additional training.  At its high point, I believe the number of facilitators reached 50 which, when you add in their 50 partners, was a significant proportion of the school population. 

- Below the original Peer Facilitator Group -

Facilitators met with their partners on a regular schedule and during the year there were social events when everyone got together to enjoy the company of the group.  The facilitators were also rewarded for their dedication with year-end events.  Perhaps the most pleasing aspect of this program is that both the facilitator and the buddy gained from the experience.

The article below is taken from the A B Ellis Newspaper dated January 21, 1991.  It gives an explanation of the program from the view of one of the facilitators. 

November 1991

1991 - 1992 Peer Facilitators

Below Victor Yu and his partner